Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

Alright- so several times I've asked the same question and met with obfuscation. So I have to assume that you (Roger) have been unable to quantify the effect you are talking about.

Since you claim to have a circuit to compensate for this effect, the means to quantify the effect is apparently at your fingertips and this should be obvious to the casual observer.

Therefore I can only conclude that this 'effect' is non-existent. Otherwise you would have already told me how you quantify it. Kosst-amojan stated the exact same problem in a different way in the post just prior to this.
I'm not trying to be difficult. In fact...

" That has nothing to do with the speed of electromagnetic waves passing through circuits at damn near the speed of light."

He (Kosst) still is referring to the wrong speed.
Electricity travels at pretty much the speed of light. (fast)
Sound travels at around 750 mph (much slower)

It is the speed of sound that has to be included in the amplifying process.
That is why the electrical speed that you can draw current from a power supply (vertically) is the first speed and the rate that the sound wave data enters and leaves the circuit (horizontally along the time domain) is the second.

This is the most difficult aspect of understanding how to separate these 2 speeds that are present in the amp. 

I keep pointing to the one I'm trying to tell you about and conventional thinking latches on to the "speed of light" every time.

When a musical note leaves your speaker it does not make it to your couch at the speed of light. Nor did the original music recorded in the studio travel from the instrument to the mic at the speed of light.

I believe I have the perfect way to illustrate which is which and how the second one encounters damage.

" Therefore I can only conclude that this 'effect' is non-existent "

Do you honestly think I'm blowing smoke or selling snake oil?

Don't worry I'm going to convince you that I'm right when I can figure a way to explain it in your own comfort zone. The problem is that the entire research and cure was done by thinking outside the box.

If the understanding of the 2 speeds present is not seen then we can't get past the first significant aspect of how the distortion was even found.

I think at this point I would be better off returning to this thread when I have put together an illustration of the total process. I will have something I can post to my website as well. I need to have something the average person can relate to.

This is stealing from my lab time (and that's a no no)

Thanks for the back and forth.

I love how he stays "in character" throughout the thread.  This is high level performance art!