Using contact cleaner in tube sockets

My ARC VT100mkii which I just got, has a crackling from one of the channels. The tubes are new. When I first installed the tubes, it was fine. The following morning, I powered it on, and the crackling started. I swapped tubes with the other side and it was fine for a while. This evening, it started again. Will using contact cleaner damage the sockets? It is quick drying cleaner.
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  When you swapped tubes, did the problem happen in the other channel? If it did, then it must be the tube. If it didn't, then it must be something else. I have an MR-71 tube tuner. I have never used contact cleaner for the sockets. This is a good contact cleaner recommended for tube sockets?
The problem was still the same channel after swapping tubes. I just now cleaned the sockets with the contact cleaner. The amp is warming up now and as I'm typing this, it's crackling on the same channel. So the cleaner did not work.
Ugh. I have the same amp. I love it! I just hate the shipping and maintenance costs.  Could be a capacitor or something. Speak to ARC.  You may need to have it sent in for service and have some minor repairs done.  I've done this a couple of times with mine...
I love the sound also! And I just got it Friday, tubes Monday! It was fine at first. This issue started this morning. Or maybe I didn't notice at first due to my excitement. I'd hate to have to return it to the seller.
Mark, was it expensive? I know shipping is not cheap, but the repairs?