"geoffkait, I never said they didn’t. That’s neither here nor there. But I’m sure Tom appreciates the support. He certainly can use it.
What do you mean it’s neither here nor there? That’s is what the discussion is about."
>>> I’m afraid you haven’t been following the discussion very closely. I never argued that coupling or grounding is not effective or not important. Nor did I ever suggest Audio Points products don't work. In fact, I just got through explaining my position a few posts ago. Put on your listening ears. My position, for the umpteenth time, is that both grounding techniques AND vibration isolation techniques are required for the best results. I also propose damping in certain situations. The damping I’m referring to is not rubber or similar materials but effective damping. Why do things halfway when you can go all the way? Doesn’t make sense. Don’t be an isolation denier. 😱