Ugly vs Gogeous speakers

I know speakers should be all about sound but I can't help responding to the look as well and this presents me with a dilemma.

I have owned B&W Nautilus 803's for many years and love the sound and value (excellent sound for reasonable cost). I would love to upgrade but I (and wife) think that the retro Star Wars R2D2 looking speaker (802) is nothing we would have in our living space.

What do others think the best looking / sounding speaker is? Do looks matter to you?

I had to get rid of one of the most beautiful speakers I’ve ever had in my room - a pair of Audio Physic Scorpios in perfect room-matching ebony.
I bought them because I’ve always loved audio physic speakers, the reviews were excellent, and they were virtually my aesthetic ideal. Turned out they didn’t have quite the same tone of previous AP speakers that I craved and didn’t quite do it for me, so I sadly had to bid them farewell.

The right sound always has to be there, of course.

On the other hand, the right look to some degree as well.  For instance, though I'm quite intrigued by all the talk of Tekton, I don't think I could ever live with a pair of those things aesthetically.

BTW, imhififan, if there could ever be something truly "objectively ugly," those speakers make a great case for it.
Yeah, it’s quite odd about the Tektons. The box designs are all the old rectangle cabinet, now only used in the entry level stuff. Even Pioneer has curved cabinets in their FP-FS52’s that go for under $300.

And the paint colors that they offer are no improvement. Bright harsh tones instead of at least a nice laminate or stain finish. And the grill cloth tone definitely clashes instead of complementing things.

Which is too bad because the drivers are quite plain too. The whole package is just off putting to say the least. They obviously need a woman’s touch because they have no idea how to make their speakers attractive to the eye.

If they were asking Pioneer type prices, under 500, I could understand, but 3000, 5000 and 12000? Not for prime time.
Tekton does have a few veneer finishes, but from what I read on their web site, you have to wait for your second life to come around before you get them.....
I refuse to comment on threads where the OP hasn't proof read the title of the post. Wait…I just commented…darn it...