Home Theater help?

My husband and I are not at all knowledgeable about any of the new(or old) technology in Home Theater systems and/or Flat panel television, but are looking to purchase new equipment for our home. The consultant at our local electronics store is a Magnolia Home Theater rep and is suggesting the following: Pioneer Elite 1080p 50" plasma with a Denon AV receiver w/HDMI and in wall speakers, as well as a Pana Max power conditioner. This system is very costly and sounds like more then we might need with technology that is not yet available? If anyone has any feedback it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
At 60in and under 1080p is not worth the high cost and its benefit is small unless you sit 3 feet from the monitor you wont see any diffrence over 720p, just because on paper it appears better doesnt mean you will see it, or that you should waste your money.
I disagree. I find a noticeably better picture in the 1080p tvs, particularly the Sonys, all the way down to 40".
My recommendation of 1080p tvs came from regularly selling and installing both types (720p & 1080p)and comparing them directly. This includes monitors from 37" & up. The difference is quite visible to my customers who own both and to myself. Sharp has a 52" flat panel LCD with 1080p resolution @ 4500 retail. It seems to me that saving a few bucks on inferior products is where the real waste of money occurs. But, I must commend Lel for even thinking of posting a forum on AudiogoN and trying to learn about finding the best value. They are already ahead of the game and a more knowlegable consumer than most.
If the original poster had cost concerns and also was worried about overkill I think that saving money on a non-1080p monitor makes perfect sense.
"It seems to me that saving a few bucks on inferior products is where the real waste of money occurs" (Cine100)

I wouldn't call 720p tv's "inferior!", nor would I refer to them as "a real waste of money"! Infact, if you read the reviews out there, I think the pro's comment that standard def, DVD's, and 720P sports broadcasts look better on 720p monitors, or at least as good, except on 720p broadcasts usually. Where the 1080P looks better (more critical and noticable on larger displays, or up-close), is usually 1080 broadcasts! This is what my impression is anyway.
I think to say 720p displays are a waste and "inferior" (I think that's what was being implied), is off base! My two cents...