the problem for me, is that they tend to be very ’mono’ in their dynamic expression. Meaning the dynamic expression is very one note or one singular expression of dynamics.
Pinched, is another word to describe their sound qualities.
Where real music has a plethora of dynamic responses and behaviors that all move in and out of one another..
It is difficult if not impossible to get past this as the traces are fine and everything is made out of silicon, so all the bits of the sonic presentation - sound likened to that.
It takes a bit of time to hear it, but it can’t be unheard, once realized.
This is where discrete components come in and people buy discrete circuit audio gear.
Opamps used as well as they can be, does indeed move up the ladder of sound quality and can and do sound quite good. But if we are talking about pinnacles, and trying to get to pinnacles, they don’t apply, in my experience or expectations.
There is a lot of overlap in these qualities of opamp vs discrete circuits, thus arguments and discussions are born. A not so perfect discrete circuit can be eclipsed by a well implemented opamp circuit.
When all things are equal, which they never that case, discrete is better than opamps.