Personal speaker evolution

OK, so here is a thread I haven't ever seen here: What speakers have you owned? starting with the earliest, price paid, new/used, and perhaps the models that really impressed you (for the price) in CAPS.

Rat Shack Something or others, $120, new
Fisher Something or others, $280, new
ADS L710's, $550, new
Snell A2i's, $1100, used
BEVERIDGE SYSTEM 3'S, $1000, used
Martin Logan CLS, $1400, used
MARTIN LOGAN SL3'S, $2300, used
Okay. Here is a list of the speakers that I have owned starting with the current set:

- Revel Salons
- Legacy Audio Focus
- Legacy Audio Studio Monitors
- Polk M5's & M3's

Over the last two years my system has completely changed four times.

With the Salons:

- Levinson 390S
- Levinson 33H's

With the Legacy Audio Focus:

- Meridian 561 pre/pro
- Meridian 596 dvd/cd player

With the Legacy Audio Studio Monitors:

- Meridian 502
- Meridian 506.24

With the Polk Audio Speakers:

- Yahama DSPA-3090 pre/pro & 7 channel amp

And I am still evolving. However, the speakers are forever remaining. I would ultimately like to end up with a dual purpose system where both music and movies are enjoyed. That'd bring me full circle.
Have to break them down in categories. Not all in chronological order

Ohm somethings
Energy take 2's
Kef 2002's

Dahlquist PDQ-8
Dahlquist PDQ-12
Polk 300 or something
Paradigm PDR 10
DIY Parts from Parts Express own cabinet (best yet)

Sony with mini system
Czek 100's?
JBL L 100's ( I believe this is correct model # Used them for 15 years
Sony with mini system again
Energy C-1
JBL S 38
Polk RTi 38
NHT 1.5i
Infinity IL 10
B&W 602 s2 two pair
ACI monitors
Acoustic Energy Aesprit 300
Paradigm studio 20 V. 2 two times
Quad 11 L
Quad 12 L

JBL S310
Magnapan MMG's
Dahlquist towers don't remember model
ACOUSTIC ENERGY Aesprit 309 good price for the sound
Monitor Audio Silver 5i's (three pair)
NHT 2.5i's
Meadowlark Kestral II's
Meadowlark Ospreys

May have forgotten some. I have rested my 3 year obsession/hunt with the Ospreys
will be keeping them for awhile enough is enough.
JM LAB Daline 6.1
Magnepan 2.6r
Chario Hiper Reference
Totem Arro (just sold)

I am now buying Von Schweikert VR-2s
1970 Acoustic Research AR-3a
1976 Advent
1981 Advent Legacy
1985 Bose 901
2002 B & W Nautilus 805
2003 B & W Nautilus 804

This seems to be alphabetical???
Short list starting with:
Bose 901 - thought they were it but then came
Klipsch Cornwall II
Genesis APM-1
Magnepan 1.6
all of them great at the time
but then came the
B&W N802s - best speaker I've ever owned by far, but
next up
Sonus Faber Amati Homage
probably next year
from there who knows
Best Regards,