Power Amp Suggestions

Hi All
My cherished Krell KRS 200 recently gave up the ghost. Not being located in the US, repairing is not an option. These were powering B&W 800d. Sources are the PS Audio Directstream Junior and Clear Audio DC Performance. The pre is a Krell KRC3. 
I have the following options available to me. 
Classe CT-M 600
Krell 402e
Parasound JC1
Ml 532
Mcintosh Various models
All of these are within my budget with the JC1s being the cheapest. I did like the sound of my Krells. 
Any recommendations based on experience with these amps. I want to keep suggestions limited to above brands as they are the ones available to me with dealer support. 
I think going the VTL route may also entail a change in the Pre as well making it much more expensive proposition. 
My vote goes to JC1s. I have the A21 stereo amp, but if I had the dough I'd sell that amp and get 2 JC1s. I think Curl is a great amp engineer/designer. I guess the only other amp brand I would consider is Pass, but that company is not on your list.
402E or ML 532 are both no-brainers IMO.  532 is an impressive piece to see in person.