Halcro- have you compared say the Airtight (not even the Supreme, but the original PC-1) to the comparable Lyra (which at the time, was a Titan i, except for the "limited" production Olympus)?
I've had several Lyras including the Helikon, Titan i and Atlas and my friend Richard, had the Olympus for many years on his Caliburn/Cobra.
The Olympus was nice and the Helikon was listenable without the nervous high-frequency prominence and lack of body and soul that shrouded the others.
I have not had first-hand experience of the Airtights except at Audio Shows.
Is your proposition that a cheap MM is going to sound every bit as good as something in this realm?
No.....my proposition is that a great 'cheap' vintage MM cartridge sounds BETTER than most of the current high-end, high-priced MC cartridges. And as good as the very best vintage MCs I've heard.
I have a few 'current' MM cartridges (including the winner of the Fremer Shootout Audio-Technica 150ANV) and can say quite confidently, that they have generally lost the 'magic' of those MMs created in the Golden Age of analogue.
They can be good....just not great.
The same story with MC cartridges in my experience....😢