I am not looking for my $30,000. speakers to be replaced, I am NOT looking for compensation for my time lost and aggravation.Surely I am not the only one who sees this blather as self-contradictory. OK Thorloki, what the hell are you asking for? A public flogging? A product recall? You are the most absurd self-sanctimonious weirdo I recall ever posting a beef on this Board, and that is really saying something.
I have never, during this whole episode, asked for ANY KIND of compensation from PrimaLuna.
I understand, what happened here, was not intentional, on the part of PrimaLuna.
However, PrimaLuna, as well as other manufacturers, need to understand that they bear some responsibility for CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES!!
No matter who you slice it or dice it, your OP was calculated to be defamatory (not in the legal sense but the practical sense) and intended to extract some kind of revenge. You have accomplished nothing other than to provide entertainment to many of us. Stricter moderators would have and should have deleted your inflammatory post. You might as well have posted "Kevin Deal stole food from my childrens’ mouths!".
Putting out defective pre amps that blow up speakers and then offering to
REPAIR their DEFECTIVE product is NOT acceptable.
I would ask, that the posters who disagree with me, to consider, how they would feel, if this happened TO THEM??
I am asking for ONLY ONE THING, for PrimaLune to take care of it’s customers.
More bizarre blather. What is it you want PL or KD to do for you? I would love to know what you do or did for a living because there is no way it involved logic and reason; perhaps a literature professor or circus performer?
All of this drivel without one shred of proof that one other PL customer has ever suffered any remotely similar experience. Incredible. You are a universe of one, like the children’s story, "The Little Prince".
I am asking that PrimaLuna, issue a recall of it's products, verify them,
and repair/certify and return the products to the owners.
If, as Mr. Deal says, he changed the caps on his units in stock, why then,
do the pre amps in customers homes, not deserve the same treatment?
If PrimaLuna, does this, then my faith is restored, and all is good.
Here we go, you have finally indicated what you have picked out in your imaginary world of wishes. Sure, why not ask the Canadian treasury to recall every denomination of Canadian paper tender to check it for authenticity or perhaps Wrangler should recall every pair of jeans ever manufactured because one guy with a fat butt had his pants split at the derriere while bending over to ties his shoes.