Upgrade path from Wilson WattPuppy 7s? - seeking advice

I have a McIntosh system with a 275 tube amp, plus some PS Audio equipment. I play many different kinds of music - from Joe Bonamassa to Johannes Brahms.

I like the analytical quality of the WP 7's. They do seem to lack some midrange and do reproduce rock as well as some other speakers. So I previewed the following at Paragon Sound in Ann Arbor, and the price is a consideration. Here are my thoughts but am seeking advice:

(1) B&W 802 D3 - Better with rock, a bit mellow and not as analytical as the WP 7's. Better midrange than my current speakers.
(2) Wilson Alexia 1 - A bit pricey even with a hefty discount. Of interest, I found some of the higher resolution music files to be reproduced with too much complexity. The ability to discriminate transients, a feature of the WP speakers, seem to be diminished in the more elaborate sound provided by these speakers.

Any other suggestions? I do not want to spend a great deal of money, but have the ability if necessary.

Thanks in advance for any advice - Gerry
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xgerryah930
Post removed 
Troy---I hope I helped the OP by drawing his attention to your comments in context. 
Gpgr4blu, you just couldn’t help your self now could you.

How about WHAT CAN YOU ADD to the DISCUSSON at hand, which is not about me, my store, or my knoweledge, whether or not you like my
"salesmanship, " but about upgrading from Wilson Watt Puppy 7.

And for the record I was a WIlson owner, with both Watt Puppy 3/2 and 5.not to mention I have current customers with WP 7 and Maxx 3.

So again, please either add something about SPEAKERS or just go sulk in a corner.

Dave owner
Audio Doctor NJ
I did until you hijacked the thread. Gee I can see your angry. The truth hurts.
@gerryah930 Too bad your thread got swamped by bickering.  I hope you got some use of it before it got derailed.  As always, please do report back as you listen and compare speakers.  It's great to see people's real world comparisons to get a data point.