Would you sell half your vinyl collection to get great equipment ?

I would if I had a substantial one. And don't say your system is already great, there is virtually no limit, including replacing the house.
I would never sell my vinyl and i have dozens of violin records worth well over 1k each as they can never be replaced.I was once offered 3k for i violin record and tuned it down,Good luck though.
It's those New Yorkers, they can buy $3k record or bottle of French wine. Either would do.
I gave up on vinyl in the 90's and, whether it was back then or if I had an lp collection now, I'd never sell the music for equipment...other stuff, my house or my car Maybe...but not the music. I certainly recall that it took too much of my time and money to waste half of my record buying opportunities to actually wind up with half a collection that was stuff I never listened to at all anymore. If I had, that's the only condition I'd ever consider selling under, I suppose. Either that, or I wouldn't unless I knew I had a way to make backups that sounded just as good as the originals. It's all about the music. If it isn't, then I don't see why you couldn't say that you would sell your entire collection just for better gear.
And the collection that I had was not the largest ever or anything. But, if I didn't feel pretty doggone confident about a particular potential music purchase, then I knew I might feel better with that money going toward better gear at some point. Still buy music that way even today, really.