So how many use MM cartridge and intend to keep it that way ?

Not in entry level set-up.
I currently have Goldring 1042, Nottingham Spacedeck/Spacearm, and might try The Cartridge Man or some vintage cartridge later.
Many of the vintage MMs do indeed sound excellent. Thanks to Raul, lewm, timeltel, nandric, and others I got to experience some great ones. My favorites: Signet TK-7LCa, Micro Acoustics (electret) 2002, 530mp, 3002, Sonus Gold Blue, and Empire 4000D/III.

Nothing is wrong with you, you just haven't reached those levels of happiness yet.
I switched from a ZU DL103 MC to a Gold note Vasari Gold MM cartridge.  One of the best moves I have made.  On my Prime, it sounds fantastic.