Dear Dover/friends: Maybe any one could ask: why me that always is against SUTs wants to test it again?.
Well, the at random finding at my place of those SUTs give me the opportunity to test it and to make something that I never try it: the SUT up to date.
I owned and heard a lot of SUTs in my system and in other systems.
I can remember some of them. From Audio Technica: At630, AT7000, AT1000, etc. from Ortofon: T30, T2000,T3000,T5000,etc. Luxman 8020/8030. Denon 320,HA1000, Pionner headamp. Two different Audio Note Kondo’s. Expressive Technologies. Highphonic. Dynavector DV6 ( or something. Classe NIL3 headamp. I owned 2-3 vintage SUT’s by USA designers that I can´t remember. Bent Audio and many many more.
In no one but the NIL3 I made any single up date.
This Classe NIL3 is also in Arthur Salvator’s list, it’s funny @nandric but Raul’s farovite Classe N.I.L. headam was creamed by ZYX headamp in Salvator’s tests :)
A.Salvator said: "The Classe was the finest solid-state "head amplifier" ever made (until the ZYX CPP-1)."
So i think Raul should try CPP-1, lol
Maybe i already have one of the best headamps, who knows.
The Audio-Technica AT1000T and AT300T, Denon AU-1s and Ortofon T2000 were in my wantlist for some of my LOMC, never tried them yet.