Would you use an Ortofon A90 on a Jelco tonearm?

i sold my ART9 cartridge and now looking for an upgrade. I like Ortofon carts. I have been able to locate a low mileage A90 and a Per  windfeld cartridge that I could afford. I don't have a top quality tonearm though. Would you put an A90 on a tonearm like Jelco 750d ? Or would you spend additional $1000 on a better tonearm and get a less exotic cart like the windfeld ?
Pani, In response to your direct question, I have not heard the A90 or Windfield in my own system, which is the only way I would make a judgement.  However, from what I read about the A90, good and neutral, I would guess that it has most of the same flavor as my MC7500.  What puzzles me a bit is why Ortofon did not persist with or further develop the rather novel body shape and construction of the A90, which was held to be revolutionarily low in resonance when it was introduced.  The MC7500 is also built like a tank, out of titanium I think, but conventional in shape.  The styli shapes are the same, or nearly so, so far as I know.
@lewm the A90 has a replicant 100 stylus. After it wears out could I not get it retipped with a micro ridge stylus by some retipping companies ? Am I going to lose sonically ?

Hi Pani, As ''involved party'' I am reluctant to react at your post.

However I am well informed about ''retips'' because Axel Schurholz

is my good friend such that I know what their problem is. First of

all all cart producers get their cantilever/styli combo's from their

supplier. Except Van den Hul who also owns an retip service nobody

else does retip work. Anyway not the ''stylus only'' retip. This work

can only be done by specialist with long experience. So there are

only few which are willing to do this work. Retipping the whole

cantilever/stylus combo is much easier to do because the new

combo is ''simply'' glued on the se called ''joint pipe'' on which the

coils and suspension are (also) fastened. The problem by retip

services is the availability of ''parts''. In particular boron cantilevers

and micro ridge styli. So in your case you need to search for a

retip service which offers both. Axel was not able to get other

than Shibata styli , had more work than he could manage, so I

investigated for him in Japan by two big jewel companies there.

Neither ever answered my questions while J. Carr whom I

asked for help warned me that those comapny are not, say,

very helpful with styli.

Because Axel retired I searched for one other retip service and

found ''Expert stylus'' in UK. They do ''stylus alone'' retip with

their own stylus called '' Paratrace'' which is similar to micro ridge.

This work is done by their engineer with 40 years experience.

Fantastic work for only 180 GBP. My Nakamichi MC 1000 with

beryllium cantilever got a new stylus by them. I bought this cart

despite the broken stylus and posted to Expert stylus as

an trial . Elsewhere I mentiond my carts and their ''ranking'' in the

 context of Inna's new thread about MM carts.

Pani I would think you can get it retipped with a different style of tip no problem.  The replicant 100 may probably just be Ortofon's name for one of the existing shapes.  Marketing!!  I got a Lyra Delos retipped by an aftermarket service and it worked great. And I mean an actual tip put on the existing cantilever.  I would never go with a different cantilever unless I had to ie it was broken off.
I'm not sure if its aloud or not but I figured I would mention that I just listed the Per Windfeld.  Check it out if you like, its a great price.  If its not aloud, moderators just remove this last statement. 
pani, I've not checked recently but I believe Soundsmith offers both stylus and stylus/cantilever replacements.  The latter are less expensive for reasons nandric explained.