Amplifier matching with omega super Alnico Monitors.

Hello everyone:- I've not been here for a while, but I've just bought a pair of Omega super Alnico monitors , so I can have a second system in the house. I was wondering if there was anyone out there with amplifier recommendations. First up they will be run with my line magnetic 518ia. But maybe there are better synergies for a single driver speaker of this type. Any thoughts are welcome. I'd love to hear of others experiences with this or similar speakers and various amplifiers.

Thanks :).
I just swapped a couple of messages with Louis (the designer). He said that the LM518ia was a great match with the SAMs. Which is nice.
Hi borg -

Glad that you and Louis had a chance to e speak.  I have had Omegas in at least one of my systems for almost 15 years.  I am using the Super 7 monitors now.  

Two observations.  The larger driver/ cabinet makes a very noticeable positive difference.  For all the quickness that the RS5 driver brings to the table, the larger drivers truly flesh out the sound and allow you to play louder, so any loss in quickness is not that big a deal anymore.  Also, the larger drivers are not that susceptible to 'honking' at certain frequencies. 

You may find yourself swapping in different amplifiers and experimenting.  I am using a Rega Brio R now with my Super 7s and I like the pairing.  In the past, I have paired Omegas with tubes (Prima Luna PL1) and vintage receivers (Marantz 2240) and current day receivers (Outlaw RR2150) and current day amplifiers (NAD 320BEE).   I probably liked the tube pairing best, though the Rega is quite good.

Good luck & congrats on the purchase.

@seikosha Thanks for the feedback.  I'm very familiar with the KEF LS50 and the Harbeth P3s and C7s.  It's good to hear that you know these two brands and still like the single-driver experience.  The Harbeths have such a natural sound, and I've never quite warmed up to other speakers as much.  Still very curious to try a single driver.  

Thanks, Scott
Thanks Rich, I'm still unsure as to my systems evolution yet. I am intrigued by Marks suggestion of the class d red dragon s500, as I've never heard any digital amps I liked. And he's talking about them in the same breath as the 300b Frankensteins , so they must be good. That does interest me. On the other hand I could keep the 518ia with the SAMs and buy something more interesting to go with the devores when I've completed renovations which won't be until March next year I'm guessing. Hmmmm. Think I'll enjoy the Omegas with 518 for now and if I continue to think they sound great, I'll buy something for the other system. Of course if a cheap s500 appears here , then curiosity could get the better of me :-). Thanks for all your thought. If you have any more interesting ideas..... keep them coming. 

Thanks again.

Sounds like the Omega/Line Magnetic pairing may have been at CDF in Montreal. They are a great bunch. As much as I love my Harbeth P3's, I often think about a switch to a more tube friendly speaker. Very nice with the Croft phono integrated though.