Shadorne > Blade or Wilson gets my vote. Sound wise - do you like British or American?
…. Both have good mid range which is the first thing I would consider in any speaker.
Blindjim > thanks so very much.
owning several pairs of BW, and the Monitor Audio golds circa 2003, followed by several US brands, I’d have to say I could live with either country’s derivitives… depending.
Bass as I have seen with limited exp is not the first priority usually with English models. Top ends too, in entry level or into mid range models are often a bit too edgy for my tastes.
Probably the only real area a loud speaker must do exceptionally well apart from their mids is the upper range. Hard, harsh, strident or piercing notes simply kill me. Its likely why I went to preferring tubes over Ss. Then hearing better tweeters found where my true priorities laid.
As you said, and I sincerely agree, the mid range is key, though not the only key. Bass is important, and probably too important to me. Though the top end MUST be kind, well mannered and highly resolving. Of drivers the Dyn Audio Isotar tweeter is the best one I’ve heard so far, pretty much. It is smoking good IMHO!
Goose > …. Reviews from Absolute sound and Soundstage Ultra which pretty much sum up the Liszt accurately
Audio Physics is another one that I wish I could have listened to
…. Sabrina to me the top end is fatiguing
Blindjim > many thanks on the review agreement for the Listz.
Audio physic is on my list though their lower octave impact and delineation are big questions for me. To date I’ve not heard one stick of AP. I get the impression they image like bandits and produce great mids. Beyond that I’m clueless. I’m also not enamored by their apparent ‘or lightweight slight’ overall build. I guess I may be erroneously expecting quality speakers should have more heft to them as their costs soar. lol
Top end is too energetic even in the new Sabrina, huh?
I have been told the Sabrina’s did not suffer from the same liveliness former WAS tweeters exhibited. Albeit, the mention was provided from an audition wherein the Sabrinas wer driven by tube power which could definitely slant the account or at least imply something of a caveat.