Wilsons are the best speakers in the world

I don't think so.
For some reason many electronics manufacturers use them for shows. Why is that? 
I don't think so!
I agree - They might be very good to great depending on your budget, but I have heard quite a few better @ almost every price point.
I do agree that they (Wilson) are the Rolex along with McIntosh of audio:
High profile & great re-sale value, But not in the top 10 of audio

This year 2017 axpona, I heard Austin Acoustic horn speakers ,750k the best speaker and system, I heard, It sounds truly live, It has no weakness. 
There is a pair of Marten Coltrane for $66.7k obo from the Netherlands, no need for $120k.
How do they sound? I have no idea and never heard them. They are Swedish, right?
Also, anyone heard big Gryphon speakers? Considering his amps, they should not be bad.