CD/DVD player advice

Hello to all. If this question is in the wrong location, I apologize. I am presently playing my CD's from an old Sony DVD player. I do want to upgrade this. So, do you find that a DVD such as an OPPO 105, sounds better for playing CD's verses a dedicated cd player of similar cost? I would say that an OPPO 105 that is in good condition,used for say $700 would be my top end. Would you recommend a dedicated cd player, which could also be used, or are the DVD players quite adequate. Right now it would not be connected to a TV. If I do later than the OPPO or something equivalent would be considered. Lets keep pricing down to $700 for either the cd or dvd player. Thankx to all in advance. If you need more info, let me know. Arthur ,

You have some older, but very good equipment. Your system deserves a real CD Player. I'm currently using a Rega Saturn-R and love it, but it is out of your price range. Although I have not heard it, my understanding is that the Rega Apollo-R has a similar "house" sound. For under $700 used, it may be a good option.

Good luck......
I would purchase a new CD player in the $500-$700 range. Later, should you choose to integrate video into your system you could then purchase a BD player.  I would look into Marantz. 
Why new? Used you get more for your money.. just curious for your reasoning, not attacking you.
I would suggest considering an external DAC and use your CD player just as a transport. If your DVD player dies, then replace it with another. Most people are wary of buying a 10-15 year CD player, but a player that cost $5,000 15 years ago can now be picked up for $500 (or less). There are some terrific bargains to be found, if you keep your eyes open.

I bought a 15 year old Sony S9000ES and played it for years before selling it and buying a used 10 year old Esoteric DV50S for $1,000 ($8,000 new).

There are some very nice DACs to be had in the $700 range (both used and new).

Denafrips Ares

Teac UD-503

These are just two examples. There are lots to choose from.