Wilsons are the best speakers in the world

I don't think so.
For some reason many electronics manufacturers use them for shows. Why is that? 

Good point. It is hard to totally generalize. Wilson has its share of lousy designs as well as designs that are legendary like the Watt Puppy.

I would say to my ears the best sounding Wilsons are with pulp and paper woofers/mids and fabric domes.

I understand that not everyone is sensitive or focussed on timbral accuracy and to some the ringing from rigid cone materials is no big deal.
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Expensive speakers wow most people.  Bling factor.  The best speakers in the world to my ear, are the Canalis Allegra by Joachim G and A Perkins.
Wilson has captured a big chunk of the super high budget speaker market.  Whether or not they're objectively superior is secondary.  If high cost electronics makers want to sell to the high budget market they might as well use the speakers that those buyers prefer and are most familiar with.