Question for Audible Illusions Modulus owners

My M3B is finally on its way here according to Jerry at the manufacturing office. In looking at the specifications, I see that while the line stage reverses the phase, the phono stage does not. Does this mean I'm supposed to change the speaker wires polarity every time I switch from line source to phono???  I really hope not, but I'm afraid of the answers I'll get.
Good to hear your pre is shipping, enjoy it they really are special. Which phono did you get the standard or the John Curl Gold Boards? Also to note these pres really benefit from a set of #4 Black Diamond Racing Cones.
Yep, it's shipping and they're emailing me the tracking number as I type. I also asked AI whether the wires should be changed when I go from phono to line stage, and was told no. So now I'm a happy camper with something to look forward to.