Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Jay23 9-29-2017
...the patent for "UEF Technology" is the paint. 

As a point of information, I had said as follows in a post in this thread dated 9-23-2017:

The Blue’s description at the SR website states in part as follows:

The new SR BLUE Quantum Fuse was developed over a two year period and represents our most advanced UEF Technology to date. At its heart is a completely new UEF / Graphene coating that delivers a dramatic increase in resolution and holographic realism over SR Black....

... At Synergistic Research we’ve isolated key factors that affect how electricity propagates by changing the behavior of electrons through Inductive Quantum Coupling methods we collectively call UEF Tech. In fact, UEF Tech is so powerful even an electrical chain several miles long is fundimentally [sic] improved with nothing more than a single fuse engineered with our patented UEF Technology.

Yet none of the four patents we have determined to have been granted to Mr. Denney make any mention of fuses, UEF (Uniform Energy Field) technology, or Inductive Quantum Coupling.

Mr. Denney’s acoustic paint patent is one of those four.

Also, FWIW, Mr. Denney responded in this thread shortly after a request was posted for someone to identify the patent referred to in the Blue Fuse description, and for whatever reason he did not address that question.

Finally, and also FWIW, it should not be forgotten in this discussion that Wolfie did in fact try several of the Black fuses in several different components, with the result being no significant benefit and two of them blowing.

-- Al

Yes, and you didn't make the connection. As Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stated, "There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact." It should be clear. Your own post/comment has the three key words. A patent need not discuss every usage and effect. Ted Denney can wax poetic. "A rose by any other word would smell as sweet."

Yes, Wolfie claims to have tried the Black fuses. And by the "technical views" logic, we can say his system is not resolving enough, he is deaf, his listening skills are subpar, and/or his beloved tubes create too much distortion. See how fun that is. 😁 If people don't hear a difference, they can send the products back, and they save money. I see no reason to harp on things that you will not agree with, when any technical reasonings will be dismissed.
I don’t suppose it would further the discussion to say the Synergistic verbiage sounds like so much gobbledegook, would it? Not to mention their description of how electricity works on their new Blue Fuse page. As I opined earlier sometimes it's better for a manufacturer not (rpt not) to offer an explanation.
I have now tested Padis fuses and the new SR Blue.  I had a $2.50 fuse in my Raven Tube amp before.  Yes I experienced an upgrade in performance when I went to the Padis fuse.  After installing the SR Blue both ways, I DID NOT experience any uptick in performance from the Padis.  I get more performance when I change out my various Russian tubes.  I doubt it is a defective Blue fuse.  Maybe my equipment just performs better as is.  I played Lumineers, Louis Armstrong / Ella Fitzgerald, Mahavishnu Orchestra and Michael Hedges as part of my test.  
Thanks for the update on the SR Blue fuse. For me, it's nice to hear that you didn't hear an improvement over the PADIS fuse since that's what I have and I'd need to replace 5 of them. 😩

I truly feel that these PADIS fuses offer real value not only over a standard fuse but easily compete with the other aftermarket brands and all at their $25 asking price.

Just let the PADIS continue to break in as I'm still getting improvements with mine. 

All the best,

@willgolf - thanks for the feedback on the PADIS and BLUE.  There could be a couple of things going on here.  One is that the tube amp may not be high resolution enough to reveal any slight differences between PADIS and BLUE (I'm not saying this is true, I'm only saying it is a theory).  In my experience, the very high resolution equipment can reveal differences.  In stuff that is lower resolution or warmer voiced, the differences between elements such as fuses or interconnects are more difficult to see and sometimes impossible.  Having no experience with your specific tube amp, I cannot be sure.

The other one is that, in my experience, the differences in fuses for amplifiers have much less impact than fuses in preamp/source equipment.  I think that part of it is the fuses in the amps have a larger internal fusewire (because of higher amp rating) and the nature of fuse composition has less influence in amps.  In any case, a fuse will still have an influence on an amplifier's sonic signature, it is just much less of an influence a fuse would have in a preamp/DAC.

The final option would be that there is no discernible difference between PADIS/Futurech and BLUE fuses.  I think more testing with different types of equipment would have to be done before we came to this conclusion.