Wilsons are the best speakers in the world

I don't think so.
For some reason many electronics manufacturers use them for shows. Why is that? 
It would be interesting to compare all MBL and all Gryphon systems. I think, Flemming of Gryphon recently came up with some monster $350k speakers. And his amps..well, everyone knows.
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The big audio shows are highly recommend for audiophiles to dip their toes into the water of all audio gear, modest and pricey.   I always wonder who the hell are these folks that can afford million dollar audio systems.  They clearly exist, but I don't know any of them.  I wish I did!
Audiomachina and GMA speakers can reproduce the original waveform by use of 1st order crossovers. The high order crossovers in a Wilson will not and so could not qualify as best speaker. They are not time and phase coherent. But to most listeners they sound very good.