Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

I sit approximately 12 feet away when listening in a very tough room acoustically - the left speaker is about 5 feet from a sidewall, the right about 13 feet from a sidewall. At its apex from left to right the ceiling is 17 feet high. Hard floor, hard walls, very little furniture - quite a bright space, which is fine with me. I like "bright" over bass any day of the week. I " forgive" a great deal from my setup because having tried other configurations over the years, where it's placed now is both aesthetically and sonically acceptable. 

I've tried going along the longest wall but found I didn't like sitting to so close to the speakers which was about 6-8 feet doing that. That also had my setup directly in front of the baseboard heater, a large window, where the Christmas tree goes every year...the Thiels are just too damn heavy to monkey around even once or twice a year.  The 3.5's were 70 pounds apiece,
the 3.6's are 108 pounds apiece. It's a pain in the ass to swap out cables on them as the connects are on the bottom. My sixty year old bones are becoming less tolerant of the labor involved. 

I hold an altogether unscientific and unwarranted theory that music needs "air" to sound right, or good, or whatever.  I was never a headphone guy. Within my limited scope of speakers that make the "air" concept right, it's been Thiel and Magnepan that impress me or, at the very least, meet my unscientific/unwarranted theory's parameters. I don't know a mosfet from a misfit, but I know what sounds good to me. And what looks good in my living space. In a different house, with a dedicated room, things might be different. For now and the foreseeable future, nuh uh. 

Besides, with the 17 foot high ceiling and the pretty open space I have,  the "other room" theory has been proven true.  (Walk into another room and see how things sound)  I cook a lot on weekends so I'm off in the kitchen listening for hours on end. Things sound so good from there that I often walk back into the living room to better appreciate a tune or two. Only Thiel and Magnepan have managed to do that well for me. So well in fact that I've burned a few recipes over the years returning to the living room. 

I also subscribe to the theory that short cable runs are better. I currently use 8 foot Transparent cables on the 3.6's which have a lot of slack. I previously had MF monoblocks with very short runs and I liked that. Just makes sense, methinks.  I'm so bored today that I'm going to measure what I need and get a custom pair of cables made to eradicate the spaghetti strands behind my rack. Drives me batsh*t. 

PS:  The REL T7 sub I bought a while back is getting less and less use now that the BAT integrated is shaking hands with the 3.6's. At very low volume I continue to employ it just to "round" things out. 

Works for me. 

Hello fellow Thielistas,

Just wanted to report that my lovely 3.7s arrived unscathed and are currently hooked up and playing sweet music in my pad. I was pretty nervous about shipping these beasts from halfway across the country and especially about having the wooden pallet they came on, "dropped off" on the curb in front of my NYC apartment building! But everything went smoothly. 

I'm still waiting for my outriggers to arrive from Soundocity, which will certainly help with stability and bass coupling on my uneven hardwood floors.

So first impressions... After playing some of my "standards" on the 3.5 for about an hour I hooked up the 3.7s and was absolutely floored by the difference!.. so much more information, detail and dynamic range. One of the largest differences I noticed was in terms of the soundstage- while the 3.5s create a very natural and believable stage that I've enjoyed so much, the 3.7s just go wider, taller and deeper in every direction... These guys just vanish in an almost spooky way.

It's love at firs listen for me. And I haven't even begun to tweek them as far as positioning goes. Also, apparently these particular speakers were never played extensively, and I believe might even need some time to completely break-in.

Some tracks I enjoy playing with new gear are:
Patricia Barber, Postmodern Blues
Jon Iverson, Alternesia (track 3 & 4)
Springsteen, All I'm thinkin' About
Paul Simon, Homeless
Ramsey Lewis Trio, In the Crowd (Tennessee Waltz)

Wow oblgny
You have one of the toughest roughest rooms to set up
that can be imagined .
At 12 feet distance I can see ( imagine hearing ) why you don't have any toe-in.
My current room is the first I've ever had that is a rectangle
measuring 13'2" wide and 17'2" long with 8 foot ceilings
It would be a perfect size  if my listen chair wasn't up against the foot of my king size bed , that I turned 90 degrees to gain 4" of listening space.
At least I don't have to worry about rear wall reflections.

I agree with you about the air , I could never listen to headphones.

You brought up the Temptations " Ball of Confusion ",
it's been a long time since I've heard that one, 
I've just bought a german copy of   "Psychedelic Shack ".
Something else I've learned with upgrading my system
is the my old records while looking good are worn out,
so I've been buying multiple copies from different countries and pressings of my favorites and play them in rotation.


Hi Oblgny-

What part of NYC are you in? Your welcome to come by sometime and check out these 3.7s. I’d also be curious to hear your 3.6s with that nice BAT of yours.. I know what you mean by the NASA liftoff sequence getting a little tiring, would be nice to simplify things a bit in terms of the front end gear. 


Big congrats on receiving the 3.7's safely!  I received my 3.6's from Chicago on a pallet and I was literally watching the weather from start to finish. Cool that you could compare the differences side by side between the 3.5/3.7 too. Enjoy!