Geoffkait: Whoa! Appeal to Authority Alert! Big time! 🤔
To which mmrkaic replied,
"My dear friend, there is no appeal to authority here, just an explanation why I don’t fall for pseudo-scientific BS that is peddled by many in the audio community.
Incidentally, the actual logical fallacy that you insinuate is more accurately called "appeal to improper(!) authority". Having an advanced degree in physics is not an improper source of authority, when we discuss physical phenomena, such as electric conductivity."
>>>You’re doing it again. That’s an Appeal to Authority, you know, when someone tries to win an argument by bringing up education or degrees, or by name dropping some big authority, even when it’s in the field of interest. Otherwise, anybody could win any argument simply by listing his credentials, which could get a little silly, no? Besides, two electrical engineers or physics majors can completely disagree about almost any argument you wish to mention, especially when dealing with how electricity works. Obviously they can’t both be right. Please observe just how many electrical engineers and even physics majors dispute that there are audible differences among power cords or that wire directionality is real. Capish?