Croft and LFD comparison with Harbeths

I'm very interested to hear if you have any comparisons between LFD and Croft amps with any Harbeth, especially with 30.1 as I have.

I'm about to upgrade my Rega brio amp and have settled on either 25/7 (25r/7) or a used LFD zero amp.

All input is welcome!

Most reviews I've read seem to suggest that the  LFD is a better match for Harbeths.  Although, I don't own Harbeths speakers anymore, at one time, I was considering upgrading to either the LFD or Leben CS600 integrated amps to power a set of SHL5+.  
I have had Crofts for years. I use the older tube amps with Spendors but not Harbeths. I also use the 25R with Quad ESLs. They sound excellent, reliable and love tube rolling. You don't need the 25R if funds are tight but do roll in a set of Telefunkens or the new black Grant Shuguangs. 
This LFD thread doesn't look good!