Best wishes for Tom Petty

Terrible news for Tom Petty

I saw TP in 1979 when his debut album was just getting attention. What a great band back then. His first 3 albums still get time on my table and sound fresh.

Hoping for a successful recovery.

God bless Tom Petty, he always gave me a smile and left my foot tapping, will really miss his Buried Treasure program on XM radio, not only will I miss his music I'LL miss the music he turned me onto with this one hour show every week, for the most part it was like he was using my personal collection but would spin a gem that I never heard but have to have.
What's really sad is that people of financial means like Tom Petty are often too busy to take the time to have medical check-ups that might have well prevented a massive heart attack. Then there's the cigarettes of course.
To me, at least, the quintessential American rocker along with Springsteen, but in a different way, American rockers from different places, how can't you love that!. Bdp24, thanks for sharing, nice story.