Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

That's actually not true. Sheldrake would be the first to say Morphic fields apply to everything, animate and inanimate, from birds to fish to electrons to trees to words and symbols. Now, we can do this the hard way or the fun way. šŸ˜„

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Morphic fields!?!?!? Iā€™ve been poking around physics for a while now but Iā€™ve never come across Morphic fields. Sounds like you listen to lots of Coast to Coast AM. In the world of reality we call crap like that pseudoscience. State vector collapse within the framework of the Copenhagen Interpretation certainly doesnā€™t call for magical Morphic fields, and thatā€™s the cornerstone concept concerning the observerā€™s relationship with the universe.

>>>>>See, thatā€™s the difference between a real physicist and someone who just pokes around in physics. Your post is so reminiscent of what many skeptics and pretend skeptics say, "I looked everywhere but I could find no mention of it anywhere. So it must not exist." Maybe you just need to look harder, Pokey. šŸ‘€ Iā€™m going to help you out. Remember I said Iā€™m talking about psychological, not physiological, phenomenon. So there is no reason to assume Morphic fields must fit into the realm of physics per se. In fact, they actually donā€™t. They do not obey the laws of physics (physical science) so chances look good Morphic fields are not physics. First law of science - never assume anything.

Iā€™m pretty sure morphic fields were laid by the wayside years ago. Sheldrake had great ideas, but the details didnā€™t seem to pan out.

Sorry, you might have listened to one too many pseudo skeptics. They said the same thing about gravity waves. And black holes. Morphic fields are alive and well, thank you very much. šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘¦ā€šŸ‘¦ Heck, they even had a contest to prove or disprove them. Guess who won. šŸ˜³