Your advice to speakers designers

What would it be?
I'd say - instead of building great furniture that also happens to sound good give us great sounding speakers that also happen to be acceptable furniture.
ambiguity can hide sarcasm or be an actual unintended ambiguity. which is why the sarcastic use it.

This is going nowhere since great looks and great sound are subjective.  If I ever get a dedicated room again I'll get it to sound how I want it to and then over time I'll try to make it look halfway decent.  I tend to like a room that is pretty well damped so I need quite a bit of absorption. 
Actually, you don’t need a lot of absorption. You need low to mid bass absorption.

the rest is simple. Child’s play.

The first part (the bass) is phenomenally hard.

So difficult... that all known official measurement standards --ignore it. Pretty well -completely ignore it.

That's how bad it is.

I wasn’t being mean. Notice I was making a joke, and then asking you to explain further how you listen.

I agree imaging isn’t everything (it’s down my list of priorities, though I like it).

But obviously it’s usual for audiophiles - e.g. those who inhabit a forum like this - to sit and listen critically to music. It’s almost the feature that defines people in this hobby.  A careful placement of speakers relative to the room and listening position is also how one realizes the potential of most loudspeakers, timbrally as well.  So when someone says he doesn’t often sit down and listen that suggests you listen to them as background music and that seems rather unusual given the context of a forum like this.

I in no way begrudge your listening habits. After all, I spend plenty of time listening to just the speakers on my iphone and actually enjoy it. But I wouldn’t spend lots of money on a 2 channel system if I weren’t regularly paying real attention to it, which usually involves sitting in the room with the speakers.

I've done it all before.  I built a ton of bass traps and combined with some digital eq I had the bass response +-1 decibel in my concrete basement.  It had been +-15 at least.  I wouldn't go through that again.  Getting the bass to have a perfect frequency response caused more problems than it solved in my opinion.  I had to make big cuts at the worst resonance frequencies and this killed transients and just didn't sound right IMO.  

The ideal amount of absorption is subjective and depends on what you're listening to.  If studio recordings that are very damped you'd want less absorption than if you're listening to live recordings where you want to hear the live atmosphere as it was rather than the sound of your room over top of it.  Unless that's not what you want, it's about personal preference to a great degree.