No-one talks about Rowlands anymore

It's Pass all over the place. Is Rowland going down big time or terribly and expensively up?
I submit Rowland just doesn't put a lot of money into marketing. I've talked to Mr. Rowland several times and he was always knowledgeable, helpful, and very kind. His customer service is outstanding. 
I also called Rowland a few years ago with a minor technical question and they put Jeff Rowland on the phone; he was awesome and incredibly helpful
Rowland is going down for 30 years.  Perhaps Jeff Rowland doesn't know about it and keeps releasing new products?  Might be good idea to call him and let him know  :)

There was a lot of discussion about Rowland gear on Audiogon.  Just search Audiogon for word Rowland - it is mentioned over 8k times.  Boulder was mentioned 2.4k times.  Are they also "going down"?
Perhaps price of Rowland (and Boulder) gear has something to do with popularity?  Rowland integrated "Daemon" costs about $40k.  Do you expect a lot of discussion about it?
$35k D'Agostino integrated is mentioned from time to time, though I haven't seen a discussion. 'Daemon' is probably discussed somewhere but not here. Anyone heard it, by the way?
If Rowland is going down, I want to go down with him. I heard his smallest class d amps, I think 201s years ago at Audio Connection on the Harbeth Monitor 40 speakers, and they sounded amazing. I think he's brilliant and I would be happy to own one of his current pieces.