George Harrison - It Don't Come Easy & While My Guitar Gently Weeps - acoustic

In my opinion George was really coning into own and the end of the Beatles legacy. With that being said  - he published the two songs I have noted above and I cannot find them anywhere. I found them on YOUTUBE  but no where else where I can purchase them. Two really good songs and the first one he '' gave '' to Ringo and the second is on the Beatles ; '' White Album '' but this acoustic version which is amazing. Let me know where I can get these two songs so I can add them to my collection. Thank you in advance.      
IDCE on various Ringo releases.   Acoustic WMGGW on Beatles Anthology 3 CD.
Here Comes the Sun is a great crossover song. George used classic Indian rhythms that he picked up from Ravi and made a pop song with a fantastic hook in the bridge.
Thank you gentlmen..... but Mapman I was looking for George's version. I will listen to Anthology 3 tonight if it is there. Shadorne  - thanks but I was looking for information on those two songs in particular