LA Rock station casualty

Yeah, I know most of us gave up on Rock radio long ago. As a road warrior during the work week, this was a nice break from bad NPR news,Jazz and Classical in the car.

We're  down to one staton. Probably not a good idea to hold my breath until a new statiion appears on the dial.
I heard that my old favorite local FM rock station (KFOG) changed to programmed music (DJ-free) some time ago. Fortunately, I switched to XM Radio a long time ago. XM is the best $12.99 (monthly) that I have ever spent. I could never go back to FM radio. It’s sad, because I have always wanted a McIntosh MR78. Unfortunately, it would only gather dust on my shelf.
"It’s sad, because I have always wanted a McIntosh MR78. Unfortunately, it would only gather dust on my shelf."

tonykay-at home,the tuning dial doesn't move much on my 66' Mac MR71. Only 3 NR stations-news,Jazz and Classical.

I don't bother with the rock stations at home. The rock stations sound too "processed" compared to NPR broadcasts.

Do you have XM at home? I've never heard it through a home system. I'm guessing it will have a similar "processed" sound.

Our Classical station broadcast is quite good. At least in my system, it's close enough to CD quality.  


I don't listen to radio at home. XM is strictly for the car. Actually, during the summer I activate XM for a portable radio. Although I don't use the portable radio much, for $5 a month it comes in handy around the pool.

In Los Angeles tune into 88.5 KCSN. They have an app if you are outside the area.