LA Rock station casualty

Yeah, I know most of us gave up on Rock radio long ago. As a road warrior during the work week, this was a nice break from bad NPR news,Jazz and Classical in the car.

We're  down to one staton. Probably not a good idea to hold my breath until a new statiion appears on the dial.


I don't listen to radio at home. XM is strictly for the car. Actually, during the summer I activate XM for a portable radio. Although I don't use the portable radio much, for $5 a month it comes in handy around the pool.

In Los Angeles tune into 88.5 KCSN. They have an app if you are outside the area.
pratorius- that station has a nice eclectic mix. Their signal isnt very strong in my area-Long Beach. 

I could probably dial it in if I had a proper rooftop antenna w/ rotator at home. In the car, it's rare to get a since strong signal.
Not often I get a clean signal in the car.