Audible Illusions M3B with Aragon amp?

About a month and a half ago I ordered a new M3B (was told I'd have it in 1 1/2 to 2 weeks - still hasn't been shipped!) and I'll be using it with an Aragon 4004 mk ii amp, along with some fairly low efficiency (86db) speakers T+A Criterion 300's.  The Aragon is kind of low impedance - 22k - and I'm wondering whether this'll be an ok matchup or if I'll have to start shopping for another amp?  Any opinions or experiences?
yeah, good advice,thanks..looks like i have to dial 'em

glad it was worth your wait!

mike from pa
Will probably make many mad here, but I ordered an MB3  recently, and it was on my doorstep in 10 days. When I saw the box, I think I scared my neighbor when I exclaimed, "NO WAY!" Apparently, AA is pretty unpredictable in their delivery, but boy I lucked out big time.