The longest you have owned any gear?

Not counting accessories such as a Zerostat which I bought eons ago, the one piece of equipment I own which I've had the longest is my turntable- 19 years now. 

What's been your experience? 
Hafler DH 220 amp since 1984. NAD 1130 pre-amp and Spica TC-50 speakers since 1987
I'm around 30 years with some Vandersteen 4As (now in third system) and almost as long with a VPI TNT (now upgraded to 6 and holding).  Similar history with a couple of SME V arms, a Koestu Urushi, some big Classe power amps......guess I have trouble get rid of anything.

Denon DP-60L turntable, several cartridges (Dynavector Ruby, Dynavector Diamond, Ortofon, and a couple more), Sota head amp, and a G.A.S. Thalia II pre-amp - all purchased 1980 from Paul Heath Audio in Chicago. That makes for about 37 years. I have the original boxes and packing materials for the turntable and pre-amp. 

Better yet - A pair of Avid 103 loudspeakers purchased 1977. That makes for 40 years. I have the original boxes somewhere, but the cardboard has gotten so dry and brittle they are almost unusable. The speakers work fine. 

I still have my KEF 105's from 1979. Fired them up in my basement system after a long hiatus a few months ago. They still sound pretty good. After that, my first CD player, a Yamaha CD2 from 1984 - not so good!