Cartridge Suggestion Requested

Thanks in advance for all suggestions.  I have (3) cartridges in rotation and all of them have issues,  I would like to know if it is possible to find a cartridge that has the sound I am looking for.

Basically the tone and uncolored neutrality of the Ortofon 2M black yet in a more dynamic cleaner sounding presentation.  
I really like the 2M black but it has some dirt and edge to the upper treble.  
I also have the AT ART9 and it is nice but too thick for my tastes.  Lastly the Dynavector DV20X2L, has a smooth dynamic sound but lacks the transparency and uncolored midrange that I prefer.  

I heard that Soundsmith works very well in VPI arm.
Transfiguration Axis is $3000 cartridge.
The AT-OC9/II is a surprisingly good cartriddge. It is NOT as "thick" as an ART-9. Another consideration if the OC9/II reputation scares you away is the AT 33Sa.
I've never owned an Ortofon 2m series, but I do have a super om30 that I like.
I find it to be very clean sounding with a gorgeous mid range and top end.
Airy and sweet with a tight bass. Perhaps not quite the thump in the bass I like but fairly neutral. 

Hope that helps

AT ART9 nice but too thick. What a peculiar yet very interesting comment as it has been considered pretty much as perfect MC on various forums so far ! Save money and buy a vintage MM like SHURE ULTRA 400, AT-ML170/OCC, Acutex M320 STRIII (the best of Acutex truly) to name just a few, actually you can get several for the price of a new (MM) cartridge. Good luck...
Transfiguration Axia

I couldn't agree more. This is really where you want to be.