Switched from Yggdrasil to Gungnir Multibit.

Based on accounts of the Gungnir sounding more "mellow" than the Yggdrasil,  and reports that the latter takes months to deliver, I've switched my order.
i currently own a vintage Theta Pro Prime DAC that similarly has a more "romantic" presentation, and think I'll be happier with the Gungnir.  From what I've read, it's close to the Yggy in terms of definition, and for the price it's remarkable. (Although price was not a prime consideration.)
I'll have 15 days to change my mind.  That's barely enough break in time to make an informed decision, but it'll have to do.
Any opinions?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano
Congrats gdhal!   Enjoy!!

Unfortunately, I’ve discovered something unexpected which, for me, is very troubling about the Gungy.
Although it’s very clean sounding, warm and precise, the volume output is several decibels softer than my old Theta, and indeed much softer than my analog stage. This causes me to boost the volume control to where it’s out of the “sweet” range of the amplifier. The result is a lack of fullness in the overall sound.
its not so apparent in pop and jazz, where the output signal is usually strong and constant.  But in classical music which I listen to mostly, it’s disconcertingly weak. Even in pop and jazz, with the volume boosted, I’m lacking in strong bass.

This is very upsetting, because I love the overall qualities of the unit and would hate to give it up.  Either I’ll have to get used to it, return it or buy a more powerful amplifier.
On another Audiogon thread I’ve been seeking suggestions for a new amplifier.
The NuForce monoblocks I have now are 160W each.  I’m afraid the cost of a more powerful quality amp is going to cost big bucks.  (I don’t want to change my  vintage Dalquist DQ 20 speakers which I really love.)
So, I’m not sure if I’m going to return the Gungy.  It’s so enjoyable even as it is.

Thank you @rvpiano

Are you able to avail yourself of the balanced outputs? I'm not sure this would be the case with the Gungy, but often times components balanced outputs run about +6db hotter than the RCAs. And I believe your NuForce monoblocks accepts balanced input.
rvpiano, if I understand your issue correctly, its more to do with the input sensitivity of your amp as opposed to its power rating. The recommendation from gdhal may address this issue since in most source components the output voltage from the XLR outputs is normally twice the RCA., e.g. 4 volt vs. 2 volt, etc., respectively. Good luck.
The XLR on this DAC runs at 4 volts vs 2 volts. 

Since you invested in high quality power amps then you might want to try any of the pro audio style DACs which will have much more powerful output (around 20 volt or ten times your Gungy) 
Gdhal and kalali:
Forgive my ignorance.  I’m more of a musician than a technophobe.
I’m connecting my Oppo player which I use as a transport to the Gungy with an optical cable. I have a vintage Conrad-Johnson preamp which only accepts RCA plugs.  So I guess I wouldn’t be able to avail myself of XLR cable.