The longest you have owned any gear?

Not counting accessories such as a Zerostat which I bought eons ago, the one piece of equipment I own which I've had the longest is my turntable- 19 years now. 

What's been your experience? 
Hi Inna,

This system is musical and satisfying. The Avalon progression began with Ascents to Eidelons, later Diamonds and presently Times.  A very nice improvement, especially in the lower registers.  CAT JL-2 Black Path amp adequately drives the speakers, although my occasional yearning for additional, over-the-top decibels leaves me....yearning for more power.  Rarely does the Convergent not deliver.  
I have been an audiogon lurker forever but finally my first post. I still have in my bedroom system a pair of merlin 3 way floorstanding speakers purchased in 1986 for $2200.  Since they are about 100 pounds per speaker I  have no plans to ever get rid of them. They still sound great but totally different than the vsm's in my main system
I can vouch for Cornell Smith, ( Cornell fixed my Parasound integrated after my daughter broke off an RCA cable in one of the inputs. Very knowledgeable guy.
Thank you for the input ROXY54 and RVILLANOVA. I am definitely going to give cornell a ring to see if he is up for the task. I don't mind that he is a hundred miles away. I often drive to phoenix for concerts. I think it would be worth it to get the A-1060 up and running again. Thanks again for the help.