The longest you have owned any gear?

Not counting accessories such as a Zerostat which I bought eons ago, the one piece of equipment I own which I've had the longest is my turntable- 19 years now. 

What's been your experience? 
I have been an audiogon lurker forever but finally my first post. I still have in my bedroom system a pair of merlin 3 way floorstanding speakers purchased in 1986 for $2200.  Since they are about 100 pounds per speaker I  have no plans to ever get rid of them. They still sound great but totally different than the vsm's in my main system
I can vouch for Cornell Smith, ( Cornell fixed my Parasound integrated after my daughter broke off an RCA cable in one of the inputs. Very knowledgeable guy.
Thank you for the input ROXY54 and RVILLANOVA. I am definitely going to give cornell a ring to see if he is up for the task. I don't mind that he is a hundred miles away. I often drive to phoenix for concerts. I think it would be worth it to get the A-1060 up and running again. Thanks again for the help.
I have a Denon DP-60L w/ Grace F9 cart., Conrad-Johnson PV6 Preamp, Acoustat Twin-120 Power Amp all bought in 1984. I also use a pair of JBL L-100s that I bought in 1975. All this gear was purchased new and is still in use today albeit some repairs and recapping along the way.
I've owned my Basis Ovation turntable for about 24 or 25 years, it continues to serve me (and, of course,the music) well.  Upgraded it once to add the Debut vacuum system, platter and bearing, that's it.  Very well-engineered and well-made piece of equipment.