PLEASE match Advice Pass Labs X350.5 (20k) to Hovland HP-100 (2500ohms) Miss-match ???


A friend said this preamp is outstanding and will sound great with Pass Labs amps and to not get caught up in the specs but the measurements say different.

Pass Labs X350.5 amplifier with input Impedance 30k ohms Balanced or 20k ohms Single ended* 
(*source Pass Labs Manual)  

Hovland HP-100 source impedance 2500ohms* 
(*source Stereophile) 

Guys / Gals, can I used my Pass Labs X350.5 amp with Hovland HP-100 preamp? Has anyone used Pass amps with Hovland pre's. I will be using Magico S5 Speakers and Bricasti M1SE DAC but want it to sound the best it can. Should I just stick with the Aesthetix Calypso pre I was leaning toward before my gut said to go for the Hovland HP-100

Hovland HP-100 Preamplifier: * Output impedance: approximately 2500 ohms or according to Atkinson, Hovland HP-100 (2500ohms) its source impedance was high at 2.4k ohms, rising to 4.3k ohms at 20Hz. The partnering power amplifier would best have an input impedance of at least 47k ohms if the bass is not to sound lean*. The Pass Labs doesn't meet the x10 requirement it is supposed to but it is sort of close when looking at it. What do you guys think? I am not sure what to do but you guys will know what to do?

Stereophile: Its input impedance was a usefully high 100k ohms in the midrange and bass, with just a small reduction to a still-high 86k ohms at 20kHz. Despite the claim that the HP-100 uses a cathode follower output stage, its source impedance was high at 2.4k ohms, rising to 4.3k ohms at 20Hz. The partnering power amplifier would best have an input impedance of at least 47k ohms if the bass is not to sound lean.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Another great post, Al.

fsmithjack, the review below accurately articulates my long-term ownership experience with the K-1xe:

Note the line: "You won’t mistake and K-1xe and V-1xe for tubes, but you won’t care either." Pretty much sums it up IMO. Also notice the reviewers emphasis on the K-1xe’s compatibility with a wide variety of amplifiers...

If you do get the K-1xe and plan to use it via its SE outputs vs balanced XLR, take heed to the manual re: that it inverts polarity via the SE outputs, so simply reverse the positive and negative speaker cables on both right and left amplifier outputs to correct.


Thanks - this might be a dumb question but until funds get back up a little can I used rca single ended from M1 Dac into the Ayre then use balanced out to the amp? I know best but would it be ok for short term? Thanks  
Fsmithjack, re your question just above, that would be no problem.

BTW, I see that the K-1xe has a relatively low specified input impedance of 10K per phase, which means a balanced input impedance of 20K. And I suspect that it probably also means that the unbalanced input impedance is 10K, although that is not stated explicitly.

Your Bricasti DAC will have no trouble with either input impedance, but if you envision the possibility of ever adding a tube-based source component to your system chances are good it would have the same kind of impedance compatibility issue with the preamp that we’ve been discussing about the preamp-to-amp interface.

-- Al


I can only offer that I have used the K-1xe’s SE inputs from a tuner (and probably other things I have forgotten) and also the SE-only tape monitor input/output with no issues and found the sound quality to be excellent.

I do recommend that you take advantage of the benefits of the Ayre’s true-differentially balanced XLR inputs from your most excellent DAC as soon as you can swing it financially, but you clearly already get that.


Sorry for this post out of place, but digging the forum I saw you have experience with both Yamamoto and Triode Lab SETs, which are strong condidates to be my next amp. Would very much appreciate your input as to differences in sound and build quality/aesthetics. I tried emailing you but Audiogon doesn't offer the option, hence this post.
Sorry again and thanks in advance!