Switched from Yggdrasil to Gungnir Multibit.

Based on accounts of the Gungnir sounding more "mellow" than the Yggdrasil,  and reports that the latter takes months to deliver, I've switched my order.
i currently own a vintage Theta Pro Prime DAC that similarly has a more "romantic" presentation, and think I'll be happier with the Gungnir.  From what I've read, it's close to the Yggy in terms of definition, and for the price it's remarkable. (Although price was not a prime consideration.)
I'll have 15 days to change my mind.  That's barely enough break in time to make an informed decision, but it'll have to do.
Any opinions?
Thank you peterdamroth.  Sorry to hear that.  
Im using an Oppo player as transport.  No problem here.
Oops - I am mistaken. The new ARC DAC 9 does not have high pro audio output levels like the DAC 8. I am puzzled why they changed this aspect of design. The DAC 8 has high output from the analog XLR.

I can’t nearly afford it anyway.

I’ve discovered, to my surprise, that raising the volume control of the amp to unfamiliar levels does not degrade the sound as I thought.
I just have to get used to 11 o’clock vs. 9 o’clock on the dial.

Happy discovery!

You may discover that your preamp sounds best at or near the Unity Gain volume position if that is specified by your preamp's manufacturer. 

I’m seriously thinking about replacing my PS Audio DACIII
with the Gungnir Multibit but the clicking is a concern with 
my Classic Sony CDP707ESD with Kimber D60 coax data cable.