Let me jump in on the Tekton Vs Goldenear discussion. I have owned a pair of GE Triton 2s for 4-5 years. Personally, I find my Maggie 3.7i's (when driven properly) superior in every possible way -- midrange, treble, coherency, soundstage, depth, ability to play loud and even bass. I have relegated the GE's to my video room. Every blue moon I pull them back into the music room for kicks, but I am lucky to last a hour with them before getting bothered by the midrange, body bass and lack of soundstage. They are not the speaker for me, but I say so knowing every listener has different preferences. Honestly 90% of speakers are not for me, and I know it.
i have also heard the newer GE Tritons at the audio shows and they always remind me of mine. Not the sound for me.
i have also heard the DIs five times (4 in Chicago and once at the LAAS). When set up properly in a large room with good tube gear and tons of space behind and around the speaker, they are absolutely freaking incredible. Definitely better in some ways than my Maggies, though still a tad boxy and not quite as refined. I have not heard the DI SE's but if they add to the refinement, then we have a real contender for best speaker for me under $10k.
Let me reiterate that that I am in no way saying the DI is better than the GE. I am just saying I prefer them in every way that matters to me. Speakers are something that an audiophile has to hear for him or herself, and has to judge based upon their values and preferences. I dig soundstage, vocal purity, depth, natural tone and images floating outside any box. The DI's have "it".