Psychological effects of volume control

I just bought a new DAC and found the volume control on my preamp has to be boosted way beyond my normal settings in order for me to reach an acceptable level of sound.
Although there is no distortion or clipping in the amplifier, I somehow feel the sound is compromised even though objectively I know it is much better than before, as the DAC is far better quality than the old one. It’s just my reaction to boosting that volume control.
Does anyone else have this type of neurotic reaction to changes?
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Volume controls (attenuators) are a fairly complex topic with several different implementation with each having adherents.  In general a volume control will work best at higher settings.

Check the the gain and sensitivity specs on the old and new D/A.
mismatched component will not likely work in your setup so needs replacement.
you need to research input ranges of your amp and output ranges of DAC you're purchasing. i usually make sure that my source device is within middle of input ranges of my amp so it has headroom for quiet and loud music. not as complex as seems, but fairly simple.

I think my problem is just getting used to the new parameters.
Instead of  “normal” being about 9 o’clock  on the dial, it’s now at 11.
Still far below the maximum volume setting.