Is using streaming services worthy of an audiophile?

I read that a lot of people on this forum use Tidal etc. Is this ok from audiophile perspective? I mean, do people who use such services actually know what quality is streamed? Don’t you lose all control over your music when you surrender to streaming services?

Could you be a bit more specific, please. 

Specifically, how do you know that the claimed file quality is actually streamed? What prevents streaming services from downgrading their signals?
Many DACs will give an accurate read on what bit Rate, etc is actually arriving at the DAC.  Many on this forum have used this info to discover that some streamed music from Tidal or other streamed sources is not high res, and occasionally discovered that MP3 files are being used
   Tidal tries to minimize this, but to answer your original question, the only way to control this is to own the file in a physical format