Yup, will update on the demo of the Ref Phono 3. I'll take a more strategic approach to this upgrade as you guys have suggested. I even got a schedule for another demo this time for a Kronos Sparta. Though I previously scratched this off my list, I'm willing to give it a good listen for whatever is worth.
Come to think of it , you may be right about the my friends Techdas Af1. I will also never be able to afford it. My system sounds good but not great or at least something is amiss in my opinion. At the time I heard the AF1 we had the same speakers but totally different front end. His system totally blew me away and he kept telling me before I bought mine that this is the potential of your speakers and I guess it's still in the back of my mind.
You are also correct that the wife wants to protect me from myself and the family finances as well. My wife knows me too well. She hates the fact of consistent outlay of money. Buying and then selling at a loss to upgrade, this drives her crazy. It truly is wasted $$$. She'd rather that I go totally all in and be done with it. Her famous saying is "buy cheap, buy twice" for which I believe there is some truth to.
you are correct, I do have my wife's blessing, and yes I'm struggling to decide between those 2 very and very expensive tables.
Probably more from a moral rather than financial standpoint. The financial aspect only affects my ability to upgrade other stuff which is sadly the fun part of this hobby. I think the others are more concerned at the approach I'm taking into spending this amount of money when it may not be necessary or appropriated in the correct manner.
you feel that my af3 kuzma/graham will will exceed the capabilities of my downstream components. Which downstream component/s were you referring to? Cartridge included I presume? I'm not upgrading to an AF1, or Graham Phantom Elite. Is the AF3 that big an upgrade?