Magico S5 vs KEF Blade 2 vs TAD Evo One vs YG Kipod II Sig w/pwr bass

Opinions please. All are Used and are the same very good price but The Y&G are $4000 less which is nice.

KEF Blade 2

TAD Evolution One

Y&G Kipod II Signature w/Pwr Bass module

Magico S5

Would love your thoughts any thoughts on any please! Being all used and in good shape these are all within $500 of each other used price but Y&G and those had highest list but know to be good used deals because they are pretty serious speakers.

I think as far as used speakers in the great value - now less than 1/2 price but still new enough to provide great performance these are some different but pretty serious speakers. Please any and all feedback totally welcomed and is super helpful 

Source: Bricasti M1SE DAC 

Preamp: Parasound JC2 Pre

Amp: Pass Labs X350.5 Amp

IC: Darwin TRUTH Balanced

SC: HiDiamond D8 w/Furutech

PC: HiDiammond P3 (7)

AC: HiDiamond HDX2 

Transport: microRendu 1.4 and full suite of UpTone Audio Premium Power Supplies (2)x LPS-1 and (1) JS-2 LPS - (2) Regens - ISO and Amber and custom Canare DC cables for all / Tellarium Q Black Diamond USB cable and Curious Regen Link

Room is 12 x 23 w/Cathedral Ceilings - 15 Foot a peak 

Music: Assorted Music no metal or loud hard rock anymore really - not much Large Scale classical either but everything else.

Likes: Transparency- Delicate-linear-Dynamic-Fast - high resolution-microscope but not sterile not etched or lifeless - I know there is a fine Line here but I'm looking to walk it and come out on the right side - but real see through into the music - transparent to the source because I love my DAC - there more everything else sound more like my DAC the closer I'm getting to where I want to go as close as possible - image and sound stage lover - tight bass - hate flab - like speed and transparency as my selection choices might speak to

Coming from: Rethm Saadhana V3 speakers which I love and are incredible but want to try something else. 

Love any feedback about matching or equipment matching or one or multiple of these - what you heard at shows or whatever. Love more Info on these.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack

A friend said this preamp is outstanding and will sound great with Pass Labs amps and to not get caught up in the specs but the measurements say different.

Pass Labs X350.5 amplifier with input Impedance 30k ohms Balanced or 20k ohms Single ended*
(*source Pass Labs Manual)  

Hovland HP-100 source impedance 2500ohms*
(*source Stereophile)

Guys / Gals, can I used my Pass Labs X350.5 amp with Hovland HP-100 preamp? Has anyone used Pass amps with Hovland pre's. I will be using Magico S5 Speakers and Bricasti M1SE DAC but want it to sound the best it can. Should I just stick with the Aesthetix Calypso pre I was leaning toward before my gut said to go for the Hovland HP-100

Hovland HP-100 Preamplifier: * Output impedance: approximately 2500 ohms or according to Atkinson, Hovland HP-100 (2500ohms) its source impedance was high at 2.4k ohms, rising to 4.3k ohms at 20Hz. The partnering power amplifier would best have an input impedance of at least 47k ohms if the bass is not to sound lean*. The Pass Labs doesn't meet the x10 requirement it is supposed to but it is sort of close when looking at it. What do you guys think? I am not sure what to do but you guys will know what to do?

I posted in the preamp section but wanted to ask you guys also as many know the Magico speakers and they say the sealed box bass can sound a bit lean so don't want to add to it with impedance mismatch with pre and amp but also the numbers are not terrible so maybe you guys can give me some advice?

MAGICO S5 LOUDSPEAKERS have landed. Wow these are like nothing I've ever heard and owned and used. I am going to need to do much work to set up.

Guys - I am kind of lost??

Any idea about set up - tow in the like. The smallest change makes such a difference. Not really in the bass but in everything else got my work cut out of me.

Few Notes: Rethm Saadhana V3 Speakers are different but same quality for sure. Some thing they do better, some things much better and others similar others Magico's better but they are absolutely are in the same class.

Its apparent right out of the gate. I love the Magico's and I am sure once I get use to them will like them more but this speaker search has me listen and shop and research so many speakers. The world needs to know that Rethm Saadhana V3 Speakers are better than 93% of the other speakers out there (my questimaton of course) but if you took focus groups and all that I but that number will stand up. So excited for my new speakers because I love new exciting audio thinks but this made me realize again and confirmed just how good the Rethms really are!

Tube - preamp. Yes those of you that said to match Magico with Tube preamp seems right on the mark. I think a tube pre will be a better match.

Down to:


Any thoughts - think I'm leaning toward the BAT VK-32SE

I called BAT they said its the sweetest of the BATS and have same bass and dynamics as the others. The 51SE a little more neutral but the Magico's seem to be looking for a bit of sweetening.


Magico is a very well engineered speaker. There is no way a lowther driver even in the fanciest aesthetic box can even hold a candle to the Magico S5. I would not try to get a more tube euphonic sound out of such a wonderfully engineered speaker but your taste must be quite eccentric if you can equally love such two very different speakers.
Well I really like the Magico's but I am listening to them not set up properly and only for about an hour or so and I'm sure they will sound so much better once settled and matched up and set up properly. Plus my Rethm's have been optimized equipment wise and tweak wise over the last year to perfection so certainly not a fair comparison. 

That said I am not speaking about artilcles I read or hearing speakers for a couple songs at shows.

I own both of these speakers and both are in my room with my own gear and trust me my taste is just regular like anyone's - no special taste or preference from the standpoint that great equipment sounds great and better equipment sounds better.

I've owned Wilsons, Revels, Kharma, Ascendo, Sonus Faber, Harbeth, Merlin, Dynaudio, Audio Physic, Focal, B&W, Martin Logan, Magnapan, Quads and many others and many different models for many of these brands. I went on a tear a few years back. Amps did the tons as well from the Big Class A Krells to the buttery smooth Premier CJ's and much of everything in between and I certainly don't claim to be an expert or pro on any of it but I can speak of it from a first hand ownership experience and what I am quite confident speaking to is when something clearly - not subtle but clearly sounds better than something else.

Not to just my ears or in general. Some things are just better. Not warmer or brighter - I am not talking small nuisances I'm talking Flat out - smack right between the eyes - better - simple stuff really - no goldern ears needed. Better is better. Other than these Magico's the Rethm's were by FAR the best speakers I've ever owned. I can tell right now they floor the Magico's in imaging but imaging is just a small part of the whole. My gut says the Magico's are an overall better speaker, more refined, more sophisticated, more bass, more slam, more of everything but I've got some work to do to get to that. The Rethm's are not about to just lay down I promise you that. They are to dang good. That is why I chose such a good speaker in the Magico S5 because I knew it would take an outstanding speaker to better the Rethm. I want a better / improved pair of speakers and knew I needed to step us based on all the former speakers I've owned and what the Rethm's did to them. I knew It would take a very special speaker to beat them and I think I accomplish just that goal.

Thankfully I might add but these Magico's seem like they would benefit from some tubes and I think the BAT VK-32SE is not a slouch of a tube preamp. It's pretty dynamic and extended but has tubes.

I'm still considering Ayre K-1xe and maybe even a Pass Labs XP10 but I think the Ayre is probably a better pre but not positive. I think my pre choice is going to be pretty important getting the most out of the Magico's inline with my presence.

That's said I love the Rethm's with my Bricasti direct as it has grown on me direst to my Pass Labs X350.5.

To another point the Rethm's are not Lowers in a fancy box. That was the old model. They make their own proprietary drivers partnering with an Indian driver OEM and they are incredible.

Everyone that has heard them in my room were blow away by them not just me. A couple well know OEM's, a couple NA Distributors all were like wow I never these things sounded like that. Most people think they are just Lowthers in a fancy box but nothing could be further than the truth!

guys - BAT VK32SE or Ayre K-1xe

or maybe Pass Labs XP10

Would love some feedback!!

Congrats, fsmithjack, on your new speakers. You obviously have "paid your dues" through ownership experiences with many of the finest pieces of gear over many years. Hoping that you have found yet another personal pinnacle of excellence with the Magicos. Enjoy!
