I plan on dragging that older Accuphase to a good store and comparing it to some of these modern units.... I am rooting for the Accuphase simply because it sounds so much better than a Class A rated DAC, the Benchmark DAC1. Again, the design of the Accuphase is that it uses multiple stereo DACs..... who knows, maybe these guys discovered something great. From their manual:
"The MDS (Multiple DeltaSigma) principle em-ploys several deltasigma type convertersin a parallel configura-tion which results in adrastic precision enhancement. The delta sigmaprinciple combines oversampling with noise-shaping (a kind of digital feedback) which projects the amplitude information of the digital signal onto a time axis for precise conversion.Figure 1 shows several delta sigma converters which are fed with the same signal and whose outputs are combined to arrive at the overall waveform. "
Sounds good to me.
Bruce in Philly
I plan on dragging that older Accuphase to a good store and comparing it to some of these modern units.... I am rooting for the Accuphase simply because it sounds so much better than a Class A rated DAC, the Benchmark DAC1. Again, the design of the Accuphase is that it uses multiple stereo DACs..... who knows, maybe these guys discovered something great. From their manual:
"The MDS (Multiple DeltaSigma) principle em-ploys several deltasigma type convertersin a parallel configura-tion which results in adrastic precision enhancement. The delta sigmaprinciple combines oversampling with noise-shaping (a kind of digital feedback) which projects the amplitude information of the digital signal onto a time axis for precise conversion.Figure 1 shows several delta sigma converters which are fed with the same signal and whose outputs are combined to arrive at the overall waveform. "
Sounds good to me.
Bruce in Philly