2.1 tube pre with ht bypass?

Ok, so unwillingly i had to replace my parasound p5 due to the fact that it had an inherent imbalance that the parasound guys couldn’t address even after having it sent out for repairs twice. It also had other issues. I really liked how it sounded but I got tired of having the center image shifted waay to the right and having to compensate for it, which made the soundstage do peculiar things. What replaced it was an emotiva xsp-1 gen 2 which by all accounts was a superior pre, at least on paper and in fact, some things it does better but with my speakers (klipsch palladium p37f) the midrange is not a pleasant affair. So what I think I need is a tube pre with bass management and ht bypass. Does such a thing exist?? I’ve searched and searched to no avail. The rest of the system is emotiva xpa-2 gen2, schiit bifrost multibit (and other stuff that’s inconsequential on this thread) and that is unlikely to change.
The P7 is a MUCH better pre than the P5, and mine had none of those issues. Quite flexible bass management, and 7.1 in/out.

But tubes, I think the Cary models would work, but I've not heard great things about their service now.


Yes, I would imagine that the p7 is a better pre but I have no use or want for a multi channel pre since the priority is two (or 2.1) channel. Hence my dilemma.
Yeah, but even as a 2.1 channel pre, the P7 is pretty nice, and quite reasonable used. It is a better 2 channel pre than the P5 by far, just ignore the extra inputs/outputs.

But... no reason for you to go that route either. You don't need a 2.1 especially either. Any pre with dual outputs would happily feed a sub with it's own low pass filter.
