Stylus cleaner

Which have you found to be very effective...?
The only stylus cleaner I’ve ever used is the Lyra stylus cleaner that came with my cartridge. I keep my records clean and use the stylus cleaner once every session, or so. I use a magnifier occasionally to check the cartridge. While I don’t have a basis for comparison, I have literally never felt the need to search for one. My eyes and, more importantly, my ears tell me it works just fine. (And since it comes from the manufacturer I have no worries about it harming the cartridge.)

edit- the tiny little bottle lasts forever if you follow the directions. 
Funny, I just found on ZYX's site that they have a liquid cleaner UC-1 and a vibrating brush UP-1.
Last products for 40 years and excellent results.

Stylus cleaner, Stylast preservative, and Last stylus brush.

Sometimes the ZYX brush to remove dust collecting on the cantilever.
Hello everyone,I have some older last sylus cleaner my question is can it go bad over the years.THANK YOU