lowrider57 OP > Any ideas how to experiment using diffusion before investing in real panels?
> lack of overall focus, e.g., string section is not defined
BLINDJIM > You have Gallos. Given any thought to repositioning or redirecting them?
I UNDERSTAND Diffu as anything that breaks up a solid plane of containment or possible immediate direct reflection. Ie., walls. In this area imagination rules.
Just on the A’gon pages over the past decades I’ve read about using bookshelfs with a stacato arrangement of objects, books etc., on the shelves. Curtains, or draperies as I’ve used to great effect myself. Plants. Bushy stringy things like Ficus, or Spider plants. DIY wind chime like affairs only more prolific, something like 60s drapes where various types and colors beads were strung together in many strands to ‘partially obscure the view into another room where a door had once been.
Some have used Egg containers cutting off the tops and using the pointed portions affixed onto some sort of backing materials. Cut, shape and paint to suit décor. Or not.
Silk screen affixed onto DIY frames showing various images. Inside folded chicken wire with cotton or cushion stuffing materials added.
I saw a ‘tree’ like thing which amounted to a stand, and several ‘limbs’ one could position this way or that which had ‘flags’ that slid along the limbs used for diffusion. It sold for something like $200 or $250 per pair. Coat hangers and socks are what I used to see if there was any shot at being beneficial. Results were not fully convincing. Maybe I need more socks. lol
There is no limit to what can be used. Or where.
Merely looking at what 3rd party Acoustic treatment makers are offering should give you many ideas. Perhaps ordering in some which have a trial period could be a better way to observe what’s being done and why.
Diffusion is all about braking up any chances for directly reflecting waves of sound, as I understand it all. Absorption does precisely that… absorbs. Different materials as I’ve alluded to absorb various areas of the bandwidth.
It may not needs be done fully across the entire width of a front wall either. For instance, panel like things. And why I took to the idea of drapes. I had a rod in place and could add what ever whenever and slide it all along wherever to see how the changes occurred. I was a little bummed to see exactly how many panels of drapes I was going to need. That got a bit ‘spensive. But it does look great too.
It also serves to hide a 116 diag screen which is a huge reflector.
I was so taken with this notion I believe the next step for me is to install rails or rods along the side walls so I can play with moving whatever, where ever.
It enables one to play with at what height a thing can be affixed. Otherwise, most all items will be floor standing or nailed to the walls which did not thrill me a lot.
I’m not too into ‘spackle’ and spot or fully repainting.
Simply searching here for diffusion or acoustic treatments ought to get you tons of ideas.
As for lack of individual focus… I’m guessing that was perhaps the recording itself. If not, something needs to be done on the front wall for sure, but now not merely absorption.
Usual hot spots to address acoustically are corners, first reflection points on side walls, and directly behind the speakers on the front wall. Above the speakrs is another spot but this depends on the height of the ceiling in relationship to the spkrs. a mirror shows the first point of side wall reflects, precisely. So addressing that is slam dunk easy.
A friend of mine makes or did make some prize winning room treatment which were at some shows in the recent past, CES, RMAF, if you want I can reach out to him and have him chime in here possibly… if you want. Some of his gear gets a bit pricey though so be advised. It also addresses bass control as I understand it.
I’m hearing some tubes with top names are being made now by someone other than the orig maker (s). I’d be cautious there. Your tube vendor is as important or more so, than the tubes you want to buy or think you need IMHO.
I’d be as paitient as I could and make incremental changes. Bit by bit.
Sounds like a lot but the end product will be greater than its parts and you’ll get an education for sure which will help others down the road.
Much luck.